
reset mariadb root password

Some few days ago I repeated one of the more common ‘mistakes’ I find myself making every once in a while: I setup a vm to test something out, install mariadb, set a root password and then immediately forget it.

What follows is usually me searching for the notes I made only to find out that there are none. 😅

So here’s my notes on resetting the root password on mariadb, so that I don’t have to search for them and maybe remember them in the future:

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Enable versioning on Hetzner S3 Object Storage buckets

Hetzner’s object storage is just out of beta and it’s stable enough to use for common use cases like backup, static file stoarge and hosting, or using it as OpenTofu S3 Storage Backend.

Unfortunately, some features are not yet available in the UI but will eventually be implemented.

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How to use Hetzner S3 Object Storage as OpenTofu backend

OpenTofu (just like terraform) supports multiple backends for storing your state. For quite a while I kept my state as files on my desktop machine, because running a dedicated database server seemed a bit excessive to me.

When Hetzner announced the beta test phase for their S3 Object Storage offering, I just had to try it out and make my OpenTofu state a bit more resilient and easier to recover. 😬

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Soilwork, Arch Enemy and In Flames - Sporthalle Hamburg 2024

One of the benefits of living near Hamburg is, that there’s a good metal concert more than once a month.
In the past 6 years, my wife an I got to see more bands than I am able to recall. Some however, stay in my head, rent free.

This concert, in particular, will probably not be forgotten, because it was a birthday present my wife made.

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a configuration error on nginx made my gitlab container registry unavailable

This blog post is about me spending three evenings and a night with bad sleep to figure out a misconfiguration I made on my gitlab instance.


If you set nginx['listen_addresses'] for one of your nginx vhosts in gitlab, make sure to set it for others too, like the registry_nginx['listen_addresses'] setting, applying the ip addresses to listen on for the registry reverse proxy. 😅

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replace a disk in a raid1 array on linux

From time to time, even the best drives go bad and need to be replaced. Here’s my notes for doing this without screwing things up.

Raid1 means we have two drives, for the sake of this note (and because it’s mostly true for my servers), these are /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.

Please: If you follow this note, make sure to double- or tripple-check your device names and consider additional research before taking action on important infrastructure! This is not a tutorial, nor a “definite guide to…” ☝️

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